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Inspiring and Supporting Photographers of Australian Birds

Greater Crested Tern

Greater Crested Tern (Image ID 45142)
Photographed byMichael Hamel-Green on Wed 24th Feb, 2021 and uploaded on Fri 5th Mar, 2021 .
Comment“Turn! Turn! Turn! To everything there is a season” sang Pete Seeger, taking his words from Ecclesiastes. Tern! Tern! Tern! is what met my eyes on my first post-lockdown visit to the Werribee Treatment Plant. Thousands of terns. On my previous visit last spring, seemingly a life ago in the halcyon months before the onset of the pandemic and lockdowns, the Werribee wetlands were teeming with Whiskered Terns, excitedly diving and dipping as they feasted on the giant mosquitoes nurtured by the nutriments to be found in Melbourne’s waste water. Now, revisiting at the end of summer, on a grey morning, I found the coastal fringe teaming with GreaterCrested Terns, many of them juveniles, as in the case of this one, taking off with a fish, near Kirk Point. The white spotted forehead and dark-edged wings mark it out as a youngster, while its yellow beak distinguishes it as a Greater rather Lesser Crested Tern. The words from Ecclesiastes include: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…a time to break down, and a time to build up…A time of love, and a time of hate; a time of war, and a time of peace”, with Seeger adding at the end “a time of peace…I swear it's not too late”. So, for everything there is a season, and now is the season for Crested Terns and Covid Vaccinations - some light at the end of the tunnel. To see these Greater Crested Terns gathering and taking to the air with such freedom, beauty, and grace, was heartening indeed. I swear it’s not too late.
EquipmentNikonZ7ii Nikon 300mm f4 PF TC1.4 420mm ISO 1250 1/2500th f8
LocationWestern Treatment Plant, Werribee, Victoria
Keywordsjuvenile, feeding/with prey, in flight
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